I just realized I am so poor...but I've never been this excited!

Never in a million years would I have admitted that I am poor. Not on social media and definitely not on my blog. You might think I'm such an ingrate for saying such as I have a nice job and one that pays very well. Nonetheless, I am still poor and I believe I have to do something to change it. 


You see I have the poorest mindset when it comes to money. I hate money because every time I get
paid I try my best to get rid of it by spending. This was a habit I've always had ever since and the best excuse I always tell myself was:

 Buy whatever you want today, you could be dead tomorrow anyway!

 Boy, was I wrong! Living the harsh reality of living paycheck to paycheck is horrible. Due to my poor financial intelligence, I have monthly expenses beyond my means and debts to pay. I kept thinking that a higher salary will resolve all these money monsters, so I have extra gigs left and right --- but more money, more problems because I am the issue. *take note it's in the present tense because I'm still it.*  My husband has been telling me and reminding me to be cautious with my spending habits - which always ends in argument to his dismay.

I need to be fixed. ASAP! - I am glad that my eyes are open to my financial situation and as a young married woman - this is a huge step for me.  I am super excited though because I have so many things to learn and my experiences alone will be my own material to develop self-discipline when it comes to money to get out of this vicious cycle. 



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