What's in a name? - An issue of hefty proportions

One of the BIGGEST thing to consider when you try to run a blog is what handle you're gonna use. It becomes your identity on cyberspace and among bloggers as well. Majority of the time, your name really is based on what your niche is about.

Personally, I write about different things but I surely would like to focus on body acceptance and spreading the idea that it's ok to like who you are even if society thinks otherwise.

I've jumped from one name to the other really searching for the identity that I want to be known for. I was Psychedelic Knickers, Drama She Wrote, Anarchy of Norms, Analogy of Venus and the Red Pin Up... and yet I have constantly wanted to change because I never found that one name I could really relate to. I know that's very weird to try and find that connection to a name but I always attach my emotions to what I write or what I say, that a connection and the right kind of representation is something I hold of great value.

So, after hours of going through my mind and looking for words I have come up with this name that I believe is a representation of myself and I guess of other women like me.

The Abundant Muse

Here's why...About a year ago, I was part of this mini social documentary that girls from St. Theresa's College did for a project and it was about women of size and curves. And, in that interview I was asked if I could think of one word that would describe women of size. And, by definition I am referring to "women of size" as women who are not defined as petite/slim/thin by the current standards. I kept thinking of the fullness and roundness that the word "Abundant" just popped in my head. Now for the word "muse" --- when I think about it a muse is somebody or something that inspires the creation of beauty and normally,a muse can be so mythical and lithe...Thus, I combined both words a representation of who I want to be, who I am and who I will be. 



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