She, Her, Me

I've probably written more than a dozen introductory blog posts due to my inability to remain loyal to one blog. That of which I will blame on my fickle nature being a Gemini. So, let me keep this simple and painless. 

This blog is where I'm gonna share a lot of things that happen in my life ranging from moments of being a cool individual to that closet homebody who loves the indoors. And yes, those three women are one and the same; that's my day job face, my uptight bitch/wannabe mysterious face and the My-personality-is-really-hot face. I wanna be of service to women of shapes out there. Be a testament that we girls can make waves too, and sometimes much bigger ones compared to our skinny sisters.

Although don't get me wrong this is not an advocacy blog, it's really just me wanting to show the world that wearing one's big girl panties is something more than just a literal reality for me but it's a way of life lol.

For now that's all I will share, you will get what I mean about "Big girl panties" in the future, but right now just be comforted of the fact that I do give a good face haha joke.


  1. i love love this already...i feel like this is where i will tambay..;-)

  2. this your your 1ooth blog...hopefully your last home where things progress to better..i know you're very busy, but i promise to blog often if you do..;-)

  3. haha thanks ate, i promise this is it. I think I need to settle down hahaha
