{Becoming an adult} Birthday thoughts + Video: Plus-size Birthday Haul

Turning a year older is an amazing gift. Another year to be better, to grow and to live life to it's fullest potential. I have so many things that I'm truly thankful for. 

Thankful for my family - the only constant in my life regardless of the highs and lows, my friends - I have a very close circle people I truly trust, but I am of course open to new friends...always! --- I am also truly blessed with the people in my life and for me that's more than enough. 

Being 26, truly in my heart I genuinely want to share how I've finally gotten over issues I've had with my self. I've never been this free for a long time. Gone are the days of self-doubt and questioning of whether I am good enough. 

I am older. 

I am living. 

Here's my little haul for my b-day, pls check it out!



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