Elevating my Passion

Elevate Solutions

As far as I could remember I've always been doing something. My sister would always call me the "Raket Girl" and no I don't play tennis at all. I was a corporate ant doing some little freelance work on the side.

For my day job I was a communication's trainer while for my freelance work I would write, do hosting gigs and makeup gigs when I can. Like any other 20-something I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do. So, from being a trainer, I transitioned to being a client manager for the family run-business and when that stopped - I was faced with a decision: should I go ride back on the corporate saddle or do everything I'm passionate about in my own time.

Choosing the latter was not without challenges, sleepless nights, talking myself out of it, doubting and worrying. I was scared about failure and I worried about not "making it".But, this was what I wanted to do, to start my business in people development as inspired by my old boss and mentor. She really made me see the beauty of helping people value personal growth through learning thus I chose the name Elevate.

Although this is my livelihood now, I have other projects that are geared towards elevating the youth to aspire and work for their ambitions regardless of their circumstance in life -now that will be for another post.

I know I have a long way to go, probably face victories and rejections. But, I don't think about that, I'm just determined to do what I have to and so far I am blessed to do all things that I've wanted. I am coaching/training people, hosting events, doing makeup and now I get to blog too! One thing that also gave me courage to do this was the people who mattered to me believed in me and invested in my dreams. The borrowed strength I have from them and from my prayers are simply turning the negatives and the pessimists into unnecessary background noise.

I'm not saying quit your job and open a business, no, as we have different passions in life, my point is give your passion a fighting chance against what is expected of you by other people. Give yourself a chance to say you gave it a shot.

My ambition is still a work in progress like I said I have a long way to go but I got through the first hurdle, overcoming fear and self-doubt. I want to be a blessing even to just one person as so many have been a blessing to me.



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