A bit of the dramatic pie served cold.

I remember taking this photo in Notting Hill and thinking; one day when I have my own family, I will have a home with a bright colored door and an awesome tree outside just like this one. I always look at this photo when I try to think of having a family of my own and I always get emotional. Forgive me, I was born with too much emotion in my belly, that's the reason why it's too big.

I always end up getting overwhelmed with feelings when I think about my siblings and the life they have now with their other halves. I am thankful; grateful of the fact that they have found another human being to share their lives with. Yet, I also feel guilty that I allow myself to question God's plans for me. Maybe, I'm too impatient ~ I really do not know. Maybe it's also God's way of telling me to wait and have faith, that is why when I feel it's getting difficult, I always tell myself God is just testing me with HIS new life module. 

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being young and free - there is definitely no rush, it's just due to moments and certain days like these (triggered by rainy nights) that I feel a pang of loneliness that I get all dramatic. It's normal I suppose. Some of my friends would say that I am to be blamed. They say it is difficult for me to find someone because I have too much romantic ideals in my head. 


I didn't think that hoping for a man who has a great sense of humor and wit, with amazing conversation would be too much to ask. Let me point out, that is only 2 of the many outstanding attributes of a perfect gentleman like Mr. Darcy or Mr. Thornton.

or maybe so... maybe the house with a bright colored door is only a dream I am never to realize unless I get off the so-called romantic high horse.


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