Black is good for you --- Black Rice!

I sometimes wish this is chocolate rice

From my last food post about my body choosing the right kind of foods for me, I mentioned how white rice no longer sits well with my body. I get terrible tummy aches and most times I feel bloated. I think my digestion is really whacked. So far the only options I've been eating are mais and brown rice, which I eat alternately. 

As per what I've researched, mais has a lower glucose content than normal white rice and we all know how brown rice is much healthier. What I don't like about brown rice is the nutty taste it has. Growing up accustomed to the taste of white rice, I find brown rice having too much of a distinct taste that only blends well to selected dishes. And, since I don't have a personal chef that plans all my meals, I pretty much eat any kind of dish that is not pork or fried.

So, last week at the grocery I thought of trying out black rice which is by the way costs an arm and leg for like Php 100+/kilo. I thought it would have a stronger taste than brown rice but to my surprise --- it doesn't have a distinct taste at all, although it has a consistency that is not the same as white or brown rice. I'm still in the level of whether or not this is the ONE for me, slowly getting used to eating it and not getting surprised by how it looks --it can be unappetizing if you don't use your imagination with food. If only I can turn off my imagination skills, I think I could make use of looking at my food as unappetizing. Anyway, so far so good with the black rice, I'm still trying to monitor my sugar and see how it goes. 

Anybody else tried eating black rice? How was it for you?


  1. me too! i still am very choosy with regards rice.. i can only eat brown rice with certain dishes.. i still love the red mountain rice from there;-)
